A test of dark chocolate found traces of lead and cadmium. Do you need to give it up?
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(Stephanie Dubois/ CBC News) — For years, dark chocolate has been touted as good for you, in moderation.

Research has shown that there can be benefits for your heart, cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

Those are all still true, but a report published in December looking  …

Hydration associated with a significantly lower risk of developing chronic diseases
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(Kristen Rodgers/ CNN News) — You may know that being adequately hydrated is important for day-to-day bodily functions such as regulating temperature and maintaining skin health.

But drinking enough water is also associated with a significantly lower risk of developing chronic diseases, a lower risk   …

These food groups support gut health. Are they part of your diet?
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(Sara Moniuszko/ Yahoo News) — Our understanding of the importance of gut health is growing, from knowing how to check in on our gut health to eating a healthy diet to support our gut microbiome. But what exactly should be included in that diet?

“The answer is very simple on a general level. …  …

Having to walk 10,000 steps a day is a low-key myth
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(Elizabeth Gulino/ Refinery 29) — For as long as I can remember, 10,000 steps has been the gold standard of walking — at least, walking that’s tracked. It’s what we’re meant to aspire to achieve each and every day in order to attain an (alleged) optimal level of health. It’s become the default goal in the majority of our step   …

The secret to becoming a morning person
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(Rozalynn S. Frazer/ Shape) — For the last six years, Aine Rock has woken up at 5 a.m. every day. She sees it as a way to start her day with a quiet moment before the world bombards her with news updates and client demands and before she has to turn her attention to her 9- and 12-year-old children. “I choose me before anyone else,”  …

What vitamin D can — and can’t — do for you
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(Mary Claire Fischer/ Michigan Medicine) — In the supplement world, vitamin D has long been the star.

For decades, it’s been touted as a cure-all supplement — a cheap, easy way to fix health problems ranging from depression to heart disease to even incontinence. After all, all these medical conditions have been tied to low  …

11 minutes of daily exercise could have a positive impact on your health
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(Kristen Rodgers/ CNN News) — When you can’t fit your entire workout into a busy day, do you think there’s no point in doing anything at all? You should rethink that mindset. Just 11 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous intensity aerobic activity per day could lower your risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease or premature death,  …

5 reasons why sugar is bad for you
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(Aaron Kandola/ Medical News Today) — Sugars are a type of simple carbohydrate that occur naturally in some foods and drinks. They are also an additive in certain foods and drinks. Consuming too much sugar can lead to health problems, such as increasing the risk of weight gain, diabetes, tooth cavities, and more.

Many healthful  …

How bias can rob people of colour of cancer care
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(Kathryn Mannie/ Global News) — Charlene fought for years to have her pain and high-fever symptoms taken seriously by doctors. So long that even she even began to take their doubts to heart. Maybe there really was nothing wrong with her.

But 15 doctors and two-and-a-half years later, her fears were finally validated.  …

It’s time to put cancer warning labels on alcohol, experts say
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(Ioanna Roumeliots/ CBC News) — The pressure on the government to put cancer warning labels on alcohol containers is growing, as experts say the majority of Canadians don’t know the risks that come with consuming even moderate amounts.

The latest catalyst is Canada’s new Guidance on Alcohol and Health,  …

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