5 hours or less of sleep raises depression risk in older adults
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(Teddy Amenabar/ Washington Post) — Short sleepers — those who regularly get five or fewer hours of sleep at night — may be at a higher risk of developing depression symptoms, according to a study published Thursday.

Researchers examined the health data of 7,146 individuals, age 50 and older in England, and found

When daylight saving ends, you’ll feel these health impacts
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(Madeline Holcombe/ CNN News) — When the clock is set back, does your world get turned a little upside down?

Daylight Saving Time will end on Sunday, November 5, moving the clocks in most US states back an hour – and that is no small thing for our health, according to Dr. Rajkumar Dasgupta, associate professor of clinical  …

The relationship between sleep and life expectancy
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(Marc Stibitch/ Very Well Heath) — The point of sleep is not just to help you feel more refreshed, but to allow the cells in your muscles, organs, and brain to repair and renew each night. Sleep also helps regulate your metabolism and how your body releases hormones. When these processes are out of whack due to lack of sleep,
Good cardiorespiratory fitness can protect your memory from the effects of sleep loss
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(McGill University News) — If you’re sleep deprived, you will likely have a harder time remembering things than if you’re well-rested. But if you have good cardiorespiratory fitness, your memory may be less affected by the effects of sleep deprivation than others, according to a recent McGill study published in  …

How much deep, light, and REM sleep do you need?
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(Jennifer Leavitt/ Healthline) — Depending on their age, a person needs 7–17 hours sleep in every 24 hours. But, just sleeping is not enough. Deep sleep is essential for health and wellbeing. Most adults need around 1.5–2 hours of deep sleep per night.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advise adults aged  …

Why sleep is so important for a healthy immune system
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(Markham Heid/ Everyday Health) — Your immune system — the body’s key defense against germs and other things that could make you sick — suffers when you don’t get enough sleep.

If you doubt it, consider the findings of a study published in 2015 in the journal Sleep.

Researchers tracked the sleep of 164 volunteers  …

Insomnia may be linked to higher risk of heart attack, study says
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(Kyla Russell/ CNN News) — It’s no secret that sleep is important to your overall health, but a lack of sleep could have substantial effects on your heart, a new study shows. The researchers said people with insomnia are more likely to have a heart attack.

Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder in the US, the researchers  …

Poor sleep can lead to an earlier death for older adults, doctors warn
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(Mark Waghorn/ Study Finds) — Getting less than five hours of sleep at night raises an older person’s risk of premature death by a quarter, according to new research. The study finds middle-aged and older adults are 40 percent more likely to develop at least two life-threatening illnesses such as heart disease, cancer,   …

Lack of sleep in children could lead to long-term problems with memory, intelligence
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(Tom Yun/ CTV News) — A new study has found that not getting enough sleep could have a detrimental impact on brain development for children and lead to cognitive difficulties down the road.

The study, published in peer-reviewed journal The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health on Saturday, involved 8,300   …

Why sleeping in total darkness may be better for your health
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(Robby Berman/ Medical News Today) — A study from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago explores the link between light exposures during sleep and health risks. The research serves as a warning for the many people living in industrialized nations where light tends to be omnipresent.

Sleeping  …

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