The relationship between sleep and life expectancy

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Research suggests that regularly sleeping for less than seven hours a night can have negative effects on the cardiovascular, endocrine, immune, and nervous systems. Photo: Pexels


(Marc Stibitch/ Very Well Heath) — The point of sleep is not just to help you feel more refreshed, but to allow the cells in your muscles, organs, and brain to repair and renew each night. Sleep also helps regulate your metabolism and how your body releases hormones. When these processes are out of whack due to lack of sleep, it can increase your risk of health problems.
It’s because of this that getting enough sleep can improve your overall health, which may help boost your longevity. While inadequate sleep can have the opposite effect, so too can too much sleep.

Ultimately, finding the sweet spot where you’re getting just the right amount of sleep for your body⁠ can contribute to a long and healthy life. The recommended amount of sleep varies by age, and teenagers and children generally require more sleep than adults.

While sleep could be affecting your risk on its own, it’s also possible that an underlying issue could be affecting your rest. For example, poor sleep is linked to heart disease and obesity, but it could also be that pre-existing heart disease and obesity are leading to breathing problems like sleep apnea, which is negatively affecting your sleep and, as a result, your overall health and longevity. (…)

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