(Madeleine Roy/ Radio-Canada) — At age 44 and after two kids, Terri McGregor knew she wanted to give herself a gift.
“I simply wanted to restore my breasts to what they were before having children — that’s it,” said the North Bay, Ont., woman.
McGregor’s surgeon recommended a Biocell textured implant, made by Allergan, saying that the implant’s textured surface — similar to very fine sandpaper — better adheres to the chest tissue and increases stability.
For six years, McGregor lived what she calls her “honeymoon phase” with her implants. “I felt beautiful and I felt good — I had no problems,” she said.
Then in 2015, after she turned 50, McGregor went for her first routine mammogram. The examination caused both her implants to rupture.
She needed to undergo a replacement surgery.
“When they opened me up, the silicone gel was like Jello in my chest. It had to be mopped up, flushed out,” she recalled.
Her problems were just beginning. (…)