The benefits of starting your day with a walk

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One benefit of walking in the morning is that you’ll complete your physical activity for the day — before any other family, work, or school obligations derail you. Photo: Pexels


(Jane CHertoff/ Healthline) — When you wake up in the morning, movement might not be your first priority. But starting your day with a walk — whether it’s around your neighborhood or part of your commute to work or school — can offer your body a number of health benefits.

Here are 10 reasons why you may want to start your day by getting in some steps. There are also a few tips to seamlessly work it into your daily routine.

Starting out your day with a walk may give you more energy throughout the day. If you walk outdoors, that’s especially true.

Studies show that adults who walked for 20 minutes outdoors experienced more vitality and energy than those who walked for 20 minutes indoors.

A small study found that 10 minutes of stair walking was more energizing than a cup of coffee for 18 women who felt sleep-deprived.

The next time you need a morning energy boost or feel tired when you wake up, you may want to try a walk. (…)

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