Remember COVID? Why many of us are suffering from brain fog

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A respiratory disease like COVID-19 can impact the flow of oxygen to the brain, which causes mild to severe brain damage.
(Adam Hussain/ Healthing) — As Canada reopens amid loosening pandemic restrictions, some people are finding it hard to recall words or names or compute things in their heads. Maybe you don’t remember all the steps to your morning routine anymore or your child’s teacher’s name.
Approximately 600 million people worldwide experience cognitive impairment in the form of “brain fog”. This “fog” is a common symptom of what is dubbed “long COVID,” the long-term effects of having contracted the COVID-19 virus.
Why is this happening and what can be done to combat it?

“I don’t think we exactly know the answer…these are all, neuroscientifically, not very well-defined things,” said Dr. Adrian Owen, a professor of cognitive neuroscience at Western University in London, Ontario. (…)

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