Why do summer colds feel so much worse?
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According to Time Magazine, the reason why a summer cold may feel so much worse than the winter variety is mostly psychological.

“My view is that severity [of a summer cold] is perceived as worse than a winter cold because summer colds are not so common,” says Dr. Ronald Eccles, professor emeritus and former director of the Common Cold Centre  …

Quebec hoping to make generic drugs cheaper
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The province is hoping to save Quebec prescription drug users $300 million a year by forcing manufacturers to pitch their products to the health ministry rather than to individual pharmacies, CBC reports.

“We think that we’re paying too much for generic drugs in Canada,” Quebec Health Minister Gaétan Barrette  …

Canada food guide to get major overhaul
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“Amid criticism that Canada’s Food Guide was influenced too heavily by industry and too little by solid research,” the Canadian Nurse website notes that “Health Canada is conducting a comprehensive revision of the guide as part of a broader strategy for healthy eating in Canada.”

“The current food guide  …

Here are some apps to help you quit smoking
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Quitting smoking for many people is one of the most difficult tasks they’ll ever take on, yet one of the most rewarding things you can do to improve your health and life expectancy. Your CME doctor can help you figure out a stop-smoking strategy that works for you, but there are lots of options out there. This article from Medical News Today  …

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