Everything you need to know about Crohn’s Disease medications

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There are many effective Crohn’s disease medications that can help you feel your best. Iryna Zastrozhnova / Getty Images


(Amy Marturana Winderl/ SELF) — One of the many frustrating things about living with Crohn’s disease is that it requires lifelong care. While there’s no cure (yet), there are many Crohn’s disease medications that can help reduce your symptoms, such as severe diarrhea and abdominal pain, so you can hopefully have more control over how you feel in your day-to-day life.

In fact the right Crohn’s disease treatment plan can help alleviate your symptoms to the point where you don’t worry about your condition interfering with your plans. Even more importantly, working closely with your doctor can keep you healthier overall because untreated Crohn’s disease can potentially lead to debilitating complications. (…)

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