Here’s another reason why you shouldn’t marry your cousin
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(Health 24 Genetics) — First cousins who marry run twice the risk of having a child with genetic abnormalities, according to a previous Health24 article.

Now a new study suggests that children born to parents who are cousins have a significant risk for developing a mood disorder – such as depression or anxiety.

For adults whose parents  …

Scientists find very young cells in even very old brains
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(Rafi Letzter/ Live Science) — Your brain keeps making new nerve cells, even as you get older.

That’s a big deal. For decades, researchers believed that aging brains stop making new cells. But recent research has offered strong evidence to the contrary, and a new paper published April 5 in the journal Cell Stem Cell tries   …

Want to de-stress? Delete Facebook, study suggests
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(Ana Sandoiu/ Medical News Today) — If Cambridge Analytica didn’t put you off Facebook forever, this might: a new study says that quitting the social media network can drastically lower your stress levels.

The Cambridge Analytica scandal — also known as the largest data leak in Facebook history — caused the social network  …

Eating more vegetables tied to better artery health for older women
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(Thomson Reuters) — Elderly women who eat more vegetables may be less likely to develop hardening of the arteries, an Australian study suggests.

Researchers surveyed 954 women aged 70 and older. They also used ultrasound to assess the thickness of the walls of the carotid artery in the neck, and the extent of plaque accumulation. Thinner  …

California needs to stop saying everything causes cancer
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(Sara Chodosh/ Popular Science) — You may have heard that coffee gives you cancer. Or that everything gives you cancer—if you live in California.

The reason: Proposition 65. It’s a California state law that requires businesses with 10 or more employees to provide reasonable warning about the use of any chemicals the state has   …

Can’t find your keys? Don’t panic
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(Sara Rimer/ BU Today) — It took you half an hour to find your keys this morning. You forgot the name of a longtime colleague at a meeting yesterday. You got lost driving to a friend’s house last week—it’s true that you were more focused on NPR than the road, but you’ve made that drive countless times and you should be able to do it on autopilot.  …

You’re never going to look at a rubber duck the same way again
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(Tom Hale/ IFL Science) – Rubber ducks might look sweet and innocent, but beneath their glazed-over smile, they harbor a terrible secret. Despite spending half of their lives in a soapy bath, their insides are filthy and pretty damn gross.

New research by the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, ETH Zurich,  …

How much hair loss is normal ? And what you probably don’t know
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(Bellatory) – If your feel that your hair is dropping in handfuls and you feel that you are starting to look more like your balding uncle than curly-haired beauty or hunk, then read on and do something about it! First of all, calm down! If you are a woman, then bear in mind that 90 per cent of women’s hair loss is only temporary; it is probably   …

Global antibiotic use soars as resistance fears rise
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(HealthDay News) — Overuse of antibiotics is one of the main causes of the dangerous health threats posed by antibiotic resistance — when the drugs are no longer effective against the diseases they were designed to fight.

Yet new research finds that antibiotic use by people rose 39 percent worldwide between 2000 and 2015,  …

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