The UK rolls out a new 5-minute AI Alzheimer’s test

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Early diagnosis has been considered key in both delaying and its reducing the prevalence of the disease but also finding cures. Photo: Pexels


(Simone Spichack/ Being Patient) – – Time is of the essence when it comes to Alzheimer’s — early diagnosis provides more time to intervene and slow its progress. Current technology is expensive and time-consuming, but a number of faster tests are in the pipeline. Some of those leverage artificial intelligence, looking for biomarkers in the blood, via brain scans, via eye exams — even through analyzing word usage on your smartphone.

The National Health Service (NHS) in the UK has put its stock in one of these new tests: the AI-based integrative cognitive assessment (ICA), an app designed to detect signs of cognitive impairment by yet another new means — pictures of animals. (…)

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