7 ways to manage an eating disorder during the Holidays
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(Michelle Pugle/ Everyday Health) — Although the holidays can be a wonderful time of the year for many, they can be tough for someone with an eating disorder who is trying to stay on track with their recovery.

The season tends to be full of food-focused events, which can cause intense anxiety for the estimated 30 million  …

5 potential health benefits of an Ayurvedic diet
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(Jessica Migala/ Everyday Health) — Some age-old practices are based on the idea that the earth has inherent wisdom — and one of these systems, ayurveda, upholds the principle of eating in accordance with Mother Nature.

“The ayurvedic diet is a seasonal diet based on where you live and the foods that are available,  …

Eating disorders have risen in recent years. A new finding may help catch them earlier
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(Madeline Holcombe/ CNN News) — Health care professionals may now have a way to identify possible eating disorder cases a year before they would have been diagnosed, allowing patients to receive support much sooner, according to a new study.

Researchers analyzed provincial health data from Ontario, Canada, for people  …

Disordered eating is a male problem too
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(Maja Kappler/ Healthing) — Vacations were tricky for Jason Wood. Exploring new neighbourhoods, once one of his favourite parts of traveling, was a major source of anxiety. Spontaneity had become scary: it meant he couldn’t research the menu in advance. And that meant there might not be any foods that met his standards.