‘There are women out there not getting help’ for perinatal depression
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(Susan Schwarz/ Healthing) — Dr. Vi Nguyen understands more than most about perinatal depression and anxiety.

As a reproductive psychiatrist at the McGill University Health Centre, she specializes in diagnosing and supporting women with depression and anxiety related to pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum   …

Depressive symptoms linked to rapid kidney function decline
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(Jeanna D. Smiley/ Medical News Today) — Scientists know that depression accelerates the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD), but little research discusses how depression affects kidney function in the general population.

A Chinese university recently discovered a strong correlation between high depressive  …

Postpartum OCD is much more common than previously thought
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(Catherine Pearson/ Huffington Post) — For years, common issues such as depression and anxiety during pregnancy and postpartum flew under the radar of both OBGYNs and moms-to-be. Now it’s widely understood that up to 1 in 5 women can suffer from prenatal and postpartum depression.

But startling new research suggests

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