Antihistamines to treat long COVID: What you need to know

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Antihistamines could theoretically slow the flood to a trickle, as there’s evidence that the drugs can help tune down the activity of mast cells.


(Nicoleta Lanesi/ Live Science) — Over-the-counter antihistamines, typically taken for allergies, may help relieve the debilitating symptoms of long COVID in some people, a new case report suggests.

The report, published Feb. 7 in The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, included two middle-age women with long COVID, a condition also known by the medical term “post-acute sequelae of COVID-19” (PASC). After catching COVID-19 in 2020, the women developed a slew of symptoms that lingered for many months after their initial infections had cleared; these long-lasting symptoms included cognitive impairment, skin rashes and bruising, chest pain and profound fatigue. (…)

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