Want to lose weight? Get a fitness tracker. UQAM study shows they work

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Verdun resident Patrick Lavery checks his Fitbit. He has set a pretty steep daily step goal but he says it’s been worth it as he is losing weight and getting some fresh air. (CBC)


(Chloe Ranaldi/ CBC Health News) — Though the pandemic has cancelled his daily commute to work, Verdun resident Patrick Lavery still tries to get in 15,000 steps a day.

“With the pandemic and working from home I was very sedentary,” he said. “There were days I didn’t leave the house at all and I put on a lot of weight, probably about 20 pounds.”

So back in September, Lavery decided to take on a 100-day challenge to walk about 10 kilometres a day. He wears a fitness tracker on his wrist to count his steps and log his daily activity level.

“In the evening, I’ll look at my watch and say, OK, this is how many steps I need to hit to reach my goal,” Lavery said. (…)

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