Manitoba mumps outbreak 100 times higher than normal
(Kelly Malone/CBC News) — The rate of mumps in Manitoba is more than 100 times higher than usual, according to numbers from Manitoba Health.
There have been 853 confirmed cases of mumps in the province from Sept. 1, 2016, to Aug. 31, 2017.
“Normally we would have maybe eight in a year,” said Dr. Richard Rusk, a provincial medical …
Beware of hype in medical science
(Dr. Brian Goldman/CBC Radio) — Governments have been accused of trying to spin the news to their political advantage. It turns out that some medical researchers may be tempted to do the same. A study just published in PLOS Biology has uncovered a heap of hype in medical science.
Spin is defined as research conclusions that distort the …
Forget the juice box: B.C. school experiments with water-only challenge
(CBC News) — A Vancouver Island elementary school is attempting to do away with the lunchtime juice box, encouraging staff and students to go water-only during school hours.
Since classes began this week, Alexander Elementary in Duncan has been conducting an experiment to see if pop, juice and other sugary drinks could be eliminated. …
Whole grains and exercise curb risk for colorectal cancer
(Roxanne Nelson, BSN, RN/Medscape) — Eating whole grains daily and ramping up activity levels can reduce the risk for colorectal/colon cancer, according to a new report from the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) and the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF).
On the flipside, consuming red meat and processed meat increases …
Is 50 the new 60?
(Daily Telegraph) — Fifty is the new sixty for ten per cent of middle-aged men whose poor lifestyle has left them with a heart that is a decade older than their actual age, Public Health England has warned.
In 2015 the National Health Service launched its Heart Age …
Study: Vaccines expected to save 20 million lives, $350B by 2020
(United Press International) — New research from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill shows that vaccines in the world’s poorest countries will …
New nutrition study changes nothing
(James Hamblin/The Atlantic) — If you’ve ever been on the internet, you’ve noticed that some things are popular, and other things aren’t. The popular ones have something in common. It’s not quality, or importance, or accuracy, but novelty.
An example of this is Moby-Dick. It’s a timeless novel by an acclaimed writer, and most people …
E-cigarettes can help smokers quit, but frequency is a factor
(CTV News) — New U.S. research has found that using e-cigarettes can be effective in helping smokers quit, but success can depend on how much smokers use them.
Carried out by researchers from Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, the team used data from the national Tobacco Use Supplement to the Current Population Survey …
15 hints your body gives that you may be nearing menopause
(Reader’s Digest) — You suddenly have unexplained bruises on your body and hair on your chin? These may be early signs of the onset of menopause says Ellen Dolgen, author of the free eBook, The Girlfriend’s Guide to Surviving and Thriving During Perimenopause and Menopause.
Breast pain: Pesky hormonal fluctuations can cause …