Are eggs the cholesterol enemy again?
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(Brenda Goodman, WebMD) — Eggs, a staple of the American diet, have been cast once again as a villain. It’s not specifically the eggs, but the cholesterol in eggs that seems to be the problem, according to a new study.

Wait, what? Yes, it’s true. Even the researchers who worked on the study aren’t happy about it.

“It’s sad news to everyone,”  …

Can an eye exam detect Alzheimer’s?
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(Samiha Khanna-Duke/ Futurity) — The loss of blood vessels in the retina could signal Alzheimer’s disease, a new study suggests. That means a quick eye exam might flag the disease before symptoms appear.

In people with healthy brains, microscopic blood vessels form a dense web at the back of the eye inside the retina, as seen in 133 participants  …

Napping may be as good as drugs for lowering blood pressure
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(Marie Cohut/ Medical News Today) — When the afternoon slump hits in the middle of a busy workday, many of us may feel tempted to catch some shut-eye in a quiet corner.

Daytime napping can definitely help boost our energy levels and productivity for the rest of the workday, but does it bring any other health benefits?

A new study that investigators  …

CBD oil is everywhere, but is it really safe and healthy?
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(Tara Law/ Time) — You might have seen it in your neighborhood health store, your local spa or your corner coffee shop. CBD, aka cannabidiol, is getting mixed into cocktails, lotions and drinks.

But what is CBD, exactly? Does it have real health benefits? Is it even safe?

To get a better understanding of the compound, TIME spoke to two scientists  …

More young women are having heart attacks. This might be why
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(Amanda MacMillan/ — Over the past 40 years, doctors have gotten a lot better at treating heart disease. In the 1960s, it wasn’t unusual for adults to die or become severely disabled from heart attacks in only their fifth or sixth decade of life. And while heart disease is still the number-one killer in the United States, it’s  …

A new drug might, possibly, have cured the flu
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(Jon Christian/ Futurity) —Influenza kills as many as 650,000 people per year and sickens many more — and even if you get your annual vaccine, you can still catch a flu strain it doesn’t protect against.

That’s why doctors are excited about a new experimental treatment that could provide broad protection against many strains of the flu,  …

Sleep apnea may be linked with Alzheimer’s marker
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(Steven Reinberg/ HealthDay ) — Millions of Americans are left drowsy each day by sleep apnea, and new research suggests it might also raise their odds for Alzheimer’s disease.

It isn’t clear, however, if sleep apnea causes the buildup of “tau” protein tangles in the brain that are a marker for Alzheimer’s,  …

It’ll take six years for new parents’ sleep schedules to get back to normal, study says
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(Rachel DeSantis/ People) —Sweet dreams, new parents — if you can.

A new study claims that first-time moms’ and dads’ sleep schedules will take up to six years to return to normal following the birth of their child.

The study was published Mondaythis link opens in a new tab and comes from researchers at the University of Warwick, who tracked  …

Massive study confirms vaccines don’t cause autism
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(Kristin Houser/ Futurism) — More than two decades ago, a doctor published a study claiming that vaccines can cause autism.

Despite the fact that that study was later completely discredited and debunked — and the doctor behind it barred from practicing medicine — the belief continues to persist throughout society.

Now, a massive study  …

Working weekends may increase depression risk, study finds
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(Relax News) — New U.K. research has found that women who work long hours may have a higher risk of depression, and working weekends may up the risk for both men and women.

Carried out by researchers at University College London, the Department of Research and Policy at Age U.K., and Queen Mary University of London, the new study looked at  …

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