Inflammatory bowel disease: high-sugar diet worsens IBD symptoms

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Currently, there is no cure for IBD. Treatment centers around reducing a person’s symptoms and avoiding any complications. Photo: Pexels


(Corrie Pelc/ Medical News Today) — More than 6 million people around the world have inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) — an umbrella term for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, which both cause inflammation of the gut.

A person’s diet plays an important role in increasing the risk for and alleviating symptoms of IBD. Previous research links a high-sugar diet to a greater risk of developing inflammatory bowel disease.

A high-sugar diet is a known cause of inflammation throughout the body. Increased sugar intake has also been linked to other diseases including obesity, chronic kidney disease, and cardiovascular disease.

Inflammatory bowel disease occurs when the body’s immune system attacks your bowels, causing inflammation, pain, and swelling in the intestines. (…)

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