(Matt Gilmour/ CTV News) — “I really, really have a big belly pain,” said Eve Tougas, an 11 year-old Montreal girl, describing her day-to-day struggle with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
This month is IBS awareness month. The large intestine disorder is common, but rarely talked about, leaving many people to suffer alone.
Among them are children like Eve, who has suffered regular stomach pain since she was just five years-old.
“To see your daughter suffer without having the power to do something about it is distressing,” said Marie-Eve Richard, Eve’s mother.
But, things began to change for Eve last year after meeting with Dr. Veronique Groleau, a paediatric gastroenterologist at Ste-Justine hospital, who put her what’s called the low-FODMAP diet. (…)