12 sleep disorders you need to know about (that aren’t sleep apnea)
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(Readers Digest) – There are many more ways to have a crummy night in bed than sleep apnea. If your sleep issues last more than few nights or reoccur every few weeks, you might have a sleep disorder.

Insomnia: Ask someone who is diagnosed with insomnia and through their dark circles and sleepy eyes, they’ll tell you what a pain this   …

Recommended fat intake should increase, Canadian researchers say
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(CBC News) — Global dietary guidelines should change to suggest people can eat more fat than previously thought, with a view to preventing overconsumption of carbohydrates, according to a new international study led by Canadian researchers.

“Our findings do not support the current recommendation to limit total fat intake   …

High salt intake may double heart failure risk
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(HealthDay News) — A high-salt diet significantly increases the risk for heart failure.

That’s the conclusion of Finnish researchers who found that people who consume more than 13,700 milligrams of salt a day — about 2.5 teaspoons — had double the risk for heart failure than low-salt consumers.

“High salt [sodium  …

I’m 35 and I may suddenly have lost the rest of my life. I’m panicking, just a bit
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(Scott Riddle- Medium) — It’s been a while since I put a piece of writing in the public domain, but suddenly I have a lot to get off my chest, well my colon actually.

Just three weeks ago life was good. Correction. It was awesome. The newest edition to our family had arrived on Christmas Eve, joining his two sisters aged 5 and 3. A month later we  …

‘Rotating’ shiftworkers at higher risk for obesity, report says
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(CBC News) — The late-night, rotating shift work common in the northeastern Ontario workforce may be contributing to obesity, a new report says.

The report, co-authored by six researchers around the country, focused on a group of northern Ontario shift workers on rotating, multiple shift schedules.

The subjects of the test showed   …

27-year-old shares painful reality of living with endometriosis
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(Huffpost Canada) — Endometriosis is a painful disorder that affects one out of every 10 women, yet the condition is still rarely talked about. That’s why one Instagram user has shared intimate photos of what the disease really looks like, to remind others with the condition that they are not alone.

In July, Thessy Kouzoukas, the  …

$417 million awarded in suit tying Johnson’s Baby Powder to cancer
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(New York Times) — In what may be the largest award so far in a lawsuit tying ovarian cancer to talcum powder, a Los Angeles jury on Monday ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay $417 million in damages to a medical receptionist who developed ovarian cancer after using the company’s trademark Johnson’s Baby Powder on her perineum for decades.  …

The Case for a Breakfast Feast
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(New York Times) — Many of us grab coffee and a quick bite in the morning and eat more as the day goes on, with a medium-size lunch and the largest meal of the day in the evening. But a growing body of research on weight and health suggests we may be doing it all backward.

A recent review of the dietary patterns of 50,000 adults who are Seventh Day  …

Binge-watching your favourite TV shows could make you feel like a zombie!
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(Daily Mail Online) — Binge-watching TV can make you feel like a zombie, according to a recent study.

Researchers at the University of Michigan and the Leuven School for Mass Communication Research in Belgium found that higher binge-viewing frequency leads to poorer sleep quality, more fatigue and increased insomnia. The researchers  …

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