Alzheimer’s: Protecting ‘powerhouse’ of cells may fuel new treatment
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(Catharine Paddock PhD/ MedicalNewsToday) — Injury to mitochondria — tiny powerhouses inside cells that provide them with energy — triggers events that occur early in Alzheimer’s disease and may offer a promising target for treatment.

So concludes a new study published in the journal Alzheimer’s & Dementia  …

What makes this flu season so bad
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A dangerous strain paired with less effective vaccines has created a dangerous recipe for illness

(Sarah Gibbens/ National Geographic) — A person, commuting to work on a packed bus, coughs. If they’re infected with the flu virus, these symptoms could be a recipe for disaster.

Imperceptible to the human eye, the flu virus is one  …

*Best diets 2018: DASH diet
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(U.S. News & World Report) — We put together a panel of health experts every year to evaluate the most popular diets in the U.S.

This year, our experts assessed 40 diets, ranking them from lowest to highest in seven categories, including the best diets for weight loss, diabetes, and heart health. Here is their evaluation of the DASH   …

Do any weight loss pills really work?
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(MaryAnn de Pietro/ MedicalNewsToday) — When it comes to weight loss, there is no shortage of pills, drinks, and supplements claiming to help the weight fall off. But do weight loss pills help, and are they safe?

The best weight loss pills may contain one or more active ingredients intended to increase fat burning, decrease appetite,  …

Cycling won’t sabotage a man’s sex life: study
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(Maureen Salamon/ HealthDay) — Men who are avid cyclists needn’t worry that hours spent on the bike will translate into problems in the bedroom or bathroom, new research claims.

Reportedly the largest study of its kind involving bikers, swimmers and runners, the findings buck prior reports that cycling could harm sexual  …

Studies overestimate prevalence of depression, analysis shows
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(Wency Leung/ Globe and Mail) — Studies regularly overestimate the prevalence of depression, using inaccurate measures of the disorder, according to a new research paper. As a result, they may give doctors and policy makers a distorted picture of the actual demand for treatment and health-care resources, the authors warn.  …

Pseudo-science based Blue Monday delivers unintended advantages, expert says
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‘Blue Monday’, the so-called saddest day of the year, falls on Jan. 15 in 2018

(CBC News) — The third Monday of every January has long been crowned the saddest day of the year, but while the science behind the unflattering title has been scoffed at by experts, some say the day has unintended value.

“Blue Monday”  …

*Best diets 2018: Weight Watchers
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(U.S. News & World Report) — We put together a panel of health experts every year to evaluate the most popular diets in the U.S.

This year, our experts assessed 40 diets, ranking them from lowest to highest in seven categories, including the best diets for weight loss, diabetes, and heart health. Here is their evaluation of the  …

E. coli outbreak linked to romaine lettuce apparently over, Ottawa says
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(Nicole Ireland/ CBC News) — An outbreak of E. coli infections linked to romaine lettuce “appears to be over,” the Public Health Agency of Canada says.

“The risk to Canadians has returned to low and the Public Health Agency of Canada is no longer advising individuals in affected provinces to consider consuming  …

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