Does intermittent fasting live up to the hype?

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(Rachel Butch-Jhu/ Futurity) — Current scientific evidence supports claims made for intermittent fasting, according to a new review.

Coauthor Mark Mattson, a professor of neuroscience at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine who has studied the health impact of intermittent fasting for 25 years, and adopted it himself about 20 years ago, writes that “intermittent fasting could be part of a healthy lifestyle.”

Mattson says his new article is intended to help clarify the science and clinical applications of intermittent fasting in ways that may help physicians guide patients who want to try it.

Intermittent fasting diets, he says, fall generally into two categories: daily time-restricted feeding, which narrows eating times to 6–8 hours per day, and so-called 5:2 intermittent fasting, in which people limit themselves to one moderate-sized meal two days each week. (…)

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