What exactly is in your vape? Health Canada plans to find out

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(Presse Canadienne) — Health Canada is preparing to launch a wave of inspections of businesses selling vaping products. They will analyze products to determine their contents and nicotine levels.

Though the health ministry will not confirm the information, the Presse Canadienne has learned that 22 inspectors will be assigned to the operation.

In an email to the Presse Canadienne, Health Canada did confirm that “between now and the end of 2019, inspectors will be visiting 3,000 retailers of vaping products (specialized stores and convenience stores) in order to check conformity” with the Tobacco and Vaping Act and the Canadian Consumer Product Safety Act.

The ministry added that its inspectors will examine “all products on sale in the establishment” and that “the non-respect of one or several articles of the law could have serious consequences, such as the seizure of products or financial sanctions.”

Vaping liquids — also known as e-liquids — contain glycerol or propylene glycol that are used to dilute nicotine, as well as diacetyl, which is used to produce flavour. While the products do present toxicity risks, they are believed to be less serious than those of tobacco. There is little research into the long-term effects of vaping. (…)

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