Plant-based diet may reduce cardiovascular death risk by 32%

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(Ana Sandoiu/ Medical News Today) — New research adds to the mounting body of evidence that eating more plant-based foods and fewer animal ones may contribute to a healthy heart and cardiovascular system.

Not only is eating fewer animal products good for the planet, but it is also good for your health, as more and more studies suggest.

Particularly, a growing body of evidence is showing that a plant-based diet could benefit cardiovascular health.

By way of example, one such recent study found that eating more plant-based foods slashes the risk of heart failure by 40%, while another one found that a vegetarian diet cuts the risk of heart disease death by the same percentage.

Now, a new study appearing in the Journal of the American Heart Association strengthens these findings, as researchers find that eating more vegetables, legumes, nuts, and whole grains and fewer animal products correlate with a much lower risk of dying of a heart attack or other serious cardiovascular event. (…)

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