Working out on polluted streets bears minimal benefit for older people
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(Meera Senthilingam/ CNN) — Going for a long walk on polluted, traffic-laden streets in an attempt to get fit has negligible benefits on your health, a new study has found.

UK researchers explored the benefits of walking in people over the age of 60 and compared the impact on their health when they walked along polluted urban streets  …

Sexual harassment toxic to mental, physical health
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(Dennis Thompson/ HealthDay) — From the hills of Hollywood to the halls of Congress, it’s now clear that sexual harassment in the workplace has long been a fact of life for working women.

But while the media highlights high-profile firings — NBC anchor Matt Lauer and NPR showman Garrison Keillor among the latest — little attention  …

Psychotherapy: Quebec to invest $35 million in mental health
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(Charlie Fidelman/ Montreal Gazette) — Quebec is investing $35 million in mental health to launch the first public psychotherapy program, the provincial health department announced Sunday.

In Quebec, as in other provinces, psychotherapy services are not part of publicly insured health-care services although psychotherapy  …

Testosterone could explain why asthma is more common in women than men
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Boys are more likely to have asthma than girls, but the situation reverses with adolescence, prompting researchers to examine role sex hormones might play

(Nicola Davis/ The Guardian) — The puzzle of why asthma is about twice as common in women as men may have been solved, according to researchers who say it might partly be down to testosterone.

‘Alarming’ rise in cancer rates driven by diabetes, obesity
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(Maria Cohut/ Medical News Today) — Researchers at several institutions worldwide — including Imperial College London in the United Kingdom and the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Lyon, France — have recently established that cancers related to metabolic diseases, especially  …

If a friend with depression is isolating herself, here are 7 things you can do to help
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(Karen Pallarito/ — When your friend is depressed and retreating from life, how do you draw her out of her shell without nudging her into an uncomfortable situation?

It’s important to recognize that depression is extremely common and, like any illness, deserves your compassion. One in six people will experience depression  …

New recognition for chronic fatigue
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(Jane E. Brody/ New York Times) — Having recently endured more than a month of post-concussion fatigue, I can’t imagine how people with so-called chronic fatigue syndrome navigate through life with disabling fatigue that seemingly knows no end. Especially those who are erroneously told things like “It’s all in your head,” “Maybe  …

The science of Sad: understanding the causes of ‘winter depression’
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(David Cox/ The Guardian) — For many of us, the annual ritual of putting the clocks back for daylight saving time can be accompanied by a distinct feeling of winter blues as autumn well and truly beds in. This might be felt as a lack of energy, reduced enjoyment in activities and a need for more sleep than normal. But for around 6% of the UK population  …

New booze labels in Yukon warn of cancer risk from drinking
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(CBC News) — Yukon is as a testing ground for some new types of labels on alcohol bottles, that warn of cancer risks associated with drinking, and encourage better habits.

Two new labels were unveiled at the Whitehorse Liquor Store on Wednesday. They’ll be affixed to all bottles and cans sold in the territory over the next   …

Owning a dog is good for your heart!
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(Maham Abedi/ Global News) — It seems unconditional love from a fluffy, drooling canine is one key to a healthier life — as many people already expected.

A study of more than 3.4-million people revealed that having a dog in the house is linked to living a longer life. The research, published in Scientific Reports by Uppsala University  …

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