Why the coronavirus pandemic is wrecking your sleep – and how to fix it

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(Ellen Scott/ MetroUK) —There’s a whole load of reasons you might be struggling with your sleep during the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting lockdown.

A lack of exposure to natural light, a lack of physical activity, stress, the general fear that the world is ending and everything is awful – all that and more plays a role, making it harder to drift off, stay asleep, and get good quality sleep.

Even working from home can wreck our sleep routine – especially if we work from our beds.

The good news is that there are steps we can take to tackle all the fresh new sleep issues that have arisen during lockdown. We spoke to Dr Kat Lederle, a sleep expert, author, and the founder of Somnia, for her advice.

Here’s what she said:

Get some natural light
Having to be indoors all day (which is the best response we can take to help tackle the spread of the virus) reduces the small amount of time we typically spend outside even more than normal,’ Kat tells us. (…)

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